Friendly for everyone.

Business survey questions

Do you hold an ABN and operate a business based in NSW?

Yes No

Do you think that your business would significantly benefit from free advertising directly to the vulnerable community and general public?

Vulnerable community means:

  • People living with disability (1.37 million people in NSW)
  • their family, friends and carers
  • anyone displaced or affected by disaster
  • elderly or aged population (1.25 million people in NSW as at 2017)

Please remember even though your business does not offer products that may directly be in relation to people’s disability or affects from disaster, ordinary businesses are sourced by this group of people regularly.

Yes No

Please tick which of the following your business has been affected by- (can be more than one or all)

Property loss due to the bushfires Small income loss due to the bushfires Large income loss due to the bushfires Loss of customers during the bushfire period Closing business due to the bushfires Property loss due to COVID-19 Small income loss due to COVID-19 Large income loss due to COVID-19 Loss of customers during COVID-19 Closing business due to COVID-19

Have you looked for employees or subcontractors in the last 18 months to work with your business?

Yes No

If you answered yes, was it easy or hard to find them?

Easy Hard Not applicable

During any of these disasters, did your business make any donations in any way?

Yes No

During either of these disasters, did your business receive- (can choose multiples)

Donations from charities Donations from individuals Government grants Volunteer workers

When you think about your customer base, how many would you think are repeat or regular customers?

10-30% 30-60% 60-80% 80-100%

When you think about your business customer base, how many of your customers do you think are those living with disability, their families or carers?

10-30% 30-60% 60-80% 80-100%

Do you currently take what you consider to be unusual measures to accommodate those living with disability in your business?

Yes No

If you wish to tell us your email address, we can let you know when Awesism launches.

Send us your answers

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